Center for 建议, 职业生涯 and Experiential Learning

The Center for 建议, 职业生涯 and Experiential Learning (ACE)

The Center for 建议, 职业生涯, and Experiential Learning (ACE) ease 你r path to success as an 俄亥俄州 student through four key services that are part of all students experience:

  • ACE来访者
  • Allen建议
  • 的职业网络
  • Office for Experiential Learning
  • Office of Global Opportunities
  • ACE Drop-In Services

    我们能帮什么忙? ? Stop by and let us know!

    开始: It’s always the right time to start exploring careers, building 你r network, creating a resume or learning to navigate class registration processes.

    得到连接: We’ll listen to 你r goals and connect 你 to the staff or office that can help 你 reach them, whether that means career development, academic planning and advising, or experiences such as study away, 实习, 或研究.

    导演: With so many resources to support student success, 你 may feel overwhelmed. Stop in and we’ll direct 你 to the right services, people and communities for 你.

    访问 us during drop-in hours in-person, Monday – Thursday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. in Baker Center 417 or call 740-566-8888 to check in for a virtual drop-in.


Our team works with students to co-create and design an individualized graduation plan so students graduate on time, 按计划进行. We provide support to keep students on plan, or we'll make it right, including covering the cost of additional courses if necessary. The 俄亥俄州保证+ adds value to 你r newbb电子平台 education at no additional cost to 你.

俄亥俄州保证+ Graduation Plan